Overview of Asian American LGBTQ+

    Course Description: As the Asian American population grows, the need for discourse about the Asian American LGBTQ+ community is imminent. This is an interdisciplinary layout to explore the topic. Objective: 1. Understand and apply queer theory to explore Asian American sexuality 2. Analyze and critique the two films Wedding Banquet and Saving Face Readings: 1. “Influences of Culture on Asian Americans’ Sexuality” by Sumie Okazaki in The Journal of Sex Research (JSTOR) 2. Queer Theory: An Introduction by Anna Marie Jagose, “Introduction” and “Theorising same-sex desire” (pg 1-21) 3. Asian…

Class 1: Wedding Banquet

  Readings before class: 1. “Influences of Culture on Asian Americans’ Sexuality” by Sumie Okazaki in The Journal of Sex Research (JSTOR) 2. Queer Theory: An Introduction by Anna Marie Jagose, “Introduction” and “Theorising same-sex desire” (pg 1-21) WATCH MOVIE: WEDDING BANQUET, before or after 3. Asian America : Straitjacket Sexualities : Unbinding Asian American Manhoods in the Movies. “Asian American Manhoods in Hollywood.”  (pg 102-110) Discussion Questions: Did you watch the movie before or after reading the excerpt from “Asian American Manhoods in Hollywood”? How do you think it affected your experience?…

Class 2: Saving Face

Reading before class:streaming movie Mad Max: Fury Road 2015 Culturally Responsive Counseling with Asian American Men. “The Face of the Asian American Male Client” (pg 21-23). WATCH SAVING FACE Discussion Questions: How is the idea of “face” incorporated into this film? How does it affect Wil’s relationship with Vivian? How is “face” maintained or affected in a lesbian relationship? Describe possible underlying meanings in the scene where Vivian teaches Wil how to fall without hurting herself. Wil was hesitant to fall at first but immediately did it as Vivian was…

Class 3: Wedding Banquet v. Saving Face

Last class Reading before class: How Movie Critics and Moviegoers View Films Differently Discussion Questions: After reading the excerpt below in mind, critique Wedding Banquet and Saving Face from an average audience member’s perspective then a movie critic’s perspective. An established movie critic views a film from a much different perspective than does the average audience member. First, they are attuned to the critical aspects of cinematography studied in films; they are instead looking for cinematic elements such as proper stage setting (Mise en scène), directing, plot, character development, cinematography,…

Our Davidson Asian dad

This is Mount Fuji. Besides the name, it’s unrelated to Fuji, our advisor of this independent study class the past semester. The first time I officially met Fuji was at his house. The Asian Culture & Awareness Association had a welcome dinner in the beginning of my freshmen year. His living and dining room were so packed that some people ate their Singapore noodles standing up. He was sitting on his couch, looking completely at ease in his crowded home and poking fun at various students with his boisterous voice. This photo…

What you should know about Peter Liang & Daniel Holtzclaw

If you know of these two names, then you know that they were involved very different situations. However, both were cops, and both have been convicted for horrible crimes against black victims. Both are Asian Americans. For those who don’t know these two men, here are some updates you should know with hyperlinks for the full story. On November 20th, 2014 in New York City, former officer Peter Liang opened fire on a staircase, and the bullet ricochet and fatally hit Akai Gurley, a 28 year black man. He was “found guilty of official misconduct…

Racism and (Un)Intentionality

  I don’t look for what is and what is not racist. I just happen to have the ability to think. Just last night, I saw a frat pledge dressed as Ash Ketchum from Pokemon, a beloved anime (Japanese animation) which America embraced and broadcasted. It is still popular today among youth and young adults regardless of background, especially on its Nintendo games. The pledge class has a handful of Asians among their total of 26 pledges. This pledge happened to be Asian. My initial reaction was my amusement at the…