Blurring Identities A podcast by Kaylie and Melissa on Asian American identity while studying abroad in Madagascar and China (Feat. Helen Mun)LA 92 2017 live streaming film YouTube Video Off the Great Wall – “The Asian Identity Crisis” Sound Effects from  Music Deliberate Thought by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Rhodesia by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source:…

The Myth that Killed Akai Gurley

A conversation between myself, Evan Yi, and our guest Jaela McDonald. Jaela McDonald is a Sociology major at Davidson College who also serves as a Student Health Advisor and Secretary of the Textures Healthy Hair Club. We discuss the recent conviction of Chinese-American police officer Peter Liang, who killed African-American Akai Gurley in a housing project in Brooklyn, and the problematic protests that reveal the rampancy of the model minority myth and anti-blackness in the Asian-American community. Read about Akai Gurley here. Length: 25 mins (worth every second though!)

“Asians Do Poetry Too!” Vol. 1

I think there’s an unfortunate assumption among younger Americans that poetry is from and for old, dead, white men when, in fact, poetry has such a rich history. With that in mind, I want to kick off an ExpectAsian series titled “Asians Do Poetry Too!”, where I upload recordings of my reading both my own poetry and the works of great Asian American poets. This first one is an original piece titled “Sleeping Dog”. I’ve included the text of the poem along with a photo of the Ozarks, where I…

Can We be White Washed?

  A short podcast addressing the topic of “white washed” Asian-Americans. Music YouTube Audio Library What True Self, Feels Bogus, Let’s Watch Jason X by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Sound Effects Video Clip YouTube: Anna Akana – “Am I White Washed?” Image