Adopting Identity

I attended a conference this past weekend for Asian American students attending schools in the East Coast. I had no idea what to expect since this was the first conference I’ve ever attended. While there, I attended a workshop on reclaiming adoptee narratives. As we gathered in a circle to share our experiences as Asian American adoptees I realized it was the first time in my life I had been in such a gathering. As we opened up and listened to each other’s experiences, I was startled how similar some…

Overview of Masculinity Curriculum

This set of lesson plans centers around Asian American masculinity and identity formation. Objectives include seeking answers to the following questions: What role do laws and policies (immigration, labor market, anti-miscegenation) play in the historical construction of Asian American masculinity? What role do discourses, such as the trope of yellow peril, play in the construction of Asian American masculinity? How do Asian American men today engage in various practices in order to construct their own sense of identity and masculinity? What is the relationship between Asian American masculinity and the…

Blurring Identities A podcast by Kaylie and Melissa on Asian American identity while studying abroad in Madagascar and China (Feat. Helen Mun)LA 92 2017 live streaming film YouTube Video Off the Great Wall – “The Asian Identity Crisis” Sound Effects from  Music Deliberate Thought by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Rhodesia by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source:…

Can We be White Washed?

  A short podcast addressing the topic of “white washed” Asian-Americans. Music YouTube Audio Library What True Self, Feels Bogus, Let’s Watch Jason X by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Sound Effects Video Clip YouTube: Anna Akana – “Am I White Washed?” Image