Overview of Masculinity Curriculum

This set of lesson plans centers around Asian American masculinity and identity formation. Objectives include seeking answers to the following questions: What role do laws and policies (immigration, labor market, anti-miscegenation) play in the historical construction of Asian American masculinity? What role do discourses, such as the trope of yellow peril, play in the construction of Asian American masculinity? How do Asian American men today engage in various practices in order to construct their own sense of identity and masculinity? What is the relationship between Asian American masculinity and the…

Dreamy and Asian

When ABC announced the cancellation of Selfie after only 13 episodes, I was heartbroken. Okay, maybe not heartbroken, but there was definite disappointment over the decision. As an avid television watcher, I’m constantly on the prowl for new shows. Although network comedies aren’t really my thing (I’m a sucker for pretty much any show on CW though), I was really excited when Selfie began airing. For the first time ever on prime time American television, John Cho, an Asian American male, was cast as the romantic lead. It’s not exactly a secret that Hollywood…