Tiger Woods is also Asian?

I love ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat, and every week I eagerly wait to see what the writers have in store for us. In last week’s episode “The Masters” (3×20), Emery, the middle brother struggled to share the excitement of Tiger Woods’ win in the golf tournament, the Masters, as a triumph of a Asian and African American athlete with his peers. Everyone he spoke to only saw Woods as a African American athlete, 搬瓦工 citing Woods’ African American father as evidence of his racial heritage. Much to the frustration of…

Dreamy and Asian

When ABC announced the cancellation of Selfie after only 13 episodes, I was heartbroken. Okay, maybe not heartbroken, but there was definite disappointment over the decision. As an avid television watcher, I’m constantly on the prowl for new shows. Although network comedies aren’t really my thing (I’m a sucker for pretty much any show on CW though), I was really excited when Selfie began airing. For the first time ever on prime time American television, John Cho, an Asian American male, was cast as the romantic lead. It’s not exactly a secret that Hollywood…

Chinese New Year with the Huangs

  Imagine trying to celebrate the biggest holiday of the year with a bunch of strangers instead of family. Imagine instead of a traditional lion dance, you got a high school alligator mascot and a bunch of peppy cheerleaders. Imagine instead of eating delicious pork steam buns you get jelly donuts. Confused? Can’t even begin to picture it? Check out last week’s episode of Fresh Off the Boat. For those of you unfamiliar with ABC’s hit show, Fresh Off the Boat, the show centers around a Chinese family, the Huangs,…