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Poster Movie La La Land 2016

La La Land (2016) HD

Director : Damien Chazelle.
Writer : Damien Chazelle.
Producer : Fred Berger, Jordan Horowitz, Marc Platt.
Release : September 12, 2016
Country : United States of America.
Production Company : Marc Platt Productions, Gilbert Films, Black Label Media, Impostor Pictures.
Language : English.
Runtime : 95 min.
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Music, Romance.

Movie ‘La La Land’ was released in September 12, 2016 in genre Comedy. Damien Chazelle was directed this movie and starring by Ryan Gosling. This movie tell story about Mia, an aspiring actress, serves lattes to movie stars in between auditions and Sebastian, a jazz musician, scrapes by playing cocktail party gigs in dingy bars, but as success mounts they are faced with decisions that begin to fray the fragile fabric of their love affair, and the dreams they worked so hard to maintain in each other threaten to rip them apart.

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