Helen Mun

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_gp_b9GjY8]
Hello everyone, and welcome to ExpectAsian.

My name is Helen, and I’m a Korean-American student at Davidson College who has mostly grown up in Charlotte, North Carolina. I’ve never seen my identity as an Asian-American woman reflected in history textbooks, literature, nor any other part of my educational curricula, and that bluehost is why I am taking this independent studies course. I am eager to learn about the impact of the growing and diverse Asian American population throughout American history and in the contemporary world, and I am also hoping to unlearn personal biases and gain more perspective of my own identity.

As a Sociology major, I also hope to explore themes in the realm of Asian American Studies such as gender and sexuality, family, and assimilation. My intention with this course is not only to learn but to reflect upon my learning and apply the knowledge to understand my own lived experiences and to inform the way I live and interact with others.

I also hope that what we do and our work on this website can serve as a tool for you as well. Please feel free to interact with me through the comments or e-mail, and thank you for joining me on this experience.

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